Who Are We?
To quote a nfpa.org pamphlet
“For the past couple of decades national programs like the . . . Firewise Communities/USA Fire Safe Councils have helped counties, cities and smaller entities like homeowners associations develop plans to protect themselves from wildfire. Many communities across the country have taken advantage of the technical and organizational resources and networking opportunities these offer. (Source: Community Wildfire Protection Plans: Reducing Wildfire Hazards in Wild land Urban Interface. Fire Science Digest July 2009.”
Burland Firewise is recognized as a FIREWISE COMMUNITY by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This recognition is the result of the many hours we have invested towards education, mitigation and developing positive working relationships with other fire related organizations.
Burland Firewise consists of VOLUNTEERS from Burland Ranchettes and adjacent communities; such as Bailey Mountain, Burland Meadows, Roland Valley, and Trails West. Burland Firewise are people that have recognized action must be taken to reduce the risk of a wildfire consuming our property, our homes and our community. For more information contact Burland Firewise Coordinator Keith Doubleday at firewisebrhoa@gmail.com.
Burland Firewise recognized the 911 ADDRESS MARKERS are extremely important during an emergency situation. The address markers have reflective white numbers on a green background. During adverse weather such as fog or a blizzard or a smoky wildfire or during the middle of the night, your ambulance, fire department and law enforcement personnel will easily see your address marker. Be the smart people. Mount the address marker when you receive it. Burland Firewise sells the address markers at cost for $10.
Burland Firewise realizes that EDUCATION is key to preparing for a wildfire event. Burland Firewise distributes quarterly email updates, holds community meetings and staffs an informational booth at Bailey Day. The Burland Homeowners Association has updated their website and has a Firewise component with topics to assist you to prepare to survive a wildfire. Check out the BHOA website at www.burlandhomeowners.org.
Burland Firewise continues the MITIGATION REIMBURSEMENT program. Annually BHOA members may be reimbursed up to $75 for defensible space / fuels mitigation. Communities adjacent to Burland Ranchettes are eligible to join as Friends of Burland and receive the benefit of the mitigation reimbursement program.
Burland Homeowners Association Membership
Membership is $25 annually.
Burland Firewise Coordinator
Keith Doubleday – email: firewisebrhoa@gmail.com
BHOA Mitigation Reimbursement
As a BHOA member you are eligible for an annual reimbursement of up to $75 for defensible space/fuels mitigation efforts. Simply submit to BHOA a receipt for services rendered ie: from a mitigation company, chipper rental, or from the Bailey Slash Site.
Mailing address is: BHOA
PO Box 372
Bailey, CO. 80421
BHOA Mitigation Sources
Brian Zimmerman 715-558-8385
Kevin Bogard, Elevated Mountain 303-929-9945 www.elevatedmountainservices.com
Max Vogan, Tree Amigos 720-800-2145 maxwellvogan@gmail.com
Ted Moore, Risk Management 720-560-9705
J Ward Industries 720-231-4857
Splintered Forest 303-819-9840 www.splinteredforesttreeservices.com
J’s Got Wood 303-301-4308 www.jsgotwood.com
Note: BHOA / Burland Firewise cannot vouch for the quality of work or reliability of vendors listed.
Platte Canyon Fire Protection District
Ben Mulligan Fire Chief
Physical Address Mailing Address
PCFPD Station #2 PCFPD Station #2
153 Delwood Drive P.O. Box 222
Bailey, Colorado 80421 Bailey, Colorado 80421
303/838-5853 303/838-5853
Bailey Slash Site
Check here for dates
Site is located on Highway 285 and County Road 72
$20/Load (standard pick-up bed) Cash or Check
The site will accept slash until reaching capacity, and may need to be closed without notice.
Dumping while the site is closed is strictly prohibited and may lead to permanent closure of the site